Immigration. November 2024. We've heard lots of talk this year about the immigration "problem". Here's the actual problem. Read more.
Being Fully Present. November 2024. In February of 2022 my son Nathan (16 at the time) and I found ourselves in the Portland area for some hiking and biking. The weekend forecast called for unusually warm and dry weather. Nathan was about a year into getting really serious with photography, and eager for fresh opportunities. Read more.
Comfort. September 2024. In August of 2004 my wife and I attended a Natalie Merchant concert at a small Northern California winery. Her 2001 album "Motherland" hit big, leading to a worldwide stadium tour. The audience in this smaller venue was eager for a reprise of that earlier material. Read more.
The Mysteries of Aging. September 2024. I am 64 years old. That's the first time I've said that out loud on LinkedIn. Based on my health, energy, and fitness routine, I feel I easily have another decade of high performance work ahead of me, maybe more. In tech, that's an eternity. Read more.
Activity vs Action. July 2024. A couple of thoughts surfaced from recent reflections on being a mediocre distance runner. This is the first of these. Read more.